Friday, 5 April 2013

Use of Video Surveillance in Health Care Industry

IP camera with video recording facilities for medical institution 
 Healthcare institution is an integral part of a cultured society. A society cannot survive without an adequate health care institution. The medical center is highly essential for offering treatment and quality life to those residing in the society. Besides regular treatment and medication it offers a variety of facilities. It offers an overall healing atmosphere to a diseased and aged member of the society. Thus, in order to protect such an institution of the society a video surveillance is very essential. You can install an IP camera to look after the safety and security of the staff, patient and medical professionals attached to the particular institution. 
 Thus, if the team feels secured, then they can attend to any crisis at any hour of the day. They will feel safe from within and will comfortably look after the treatment procedure. 
 Merits of installing security cameras in the healthcare institution 
 Guards ailing patients: just like the medical records comfortably maintains medical history of a patient, the surveillance cameras also monitors the movement of patient and other people in the hospital area. It checks each and every visitor who is loitering in the lobby or corridor of the clinic. Through the camera footage the security head of the clinic can easily identify an individual who is loitering in the area without any reason or trying shoplifting. Thus, it helps in keeping the patients safe inside the hospital. Looks after supplies: equipments are a very important part of treatment. If the practitioners do not get the right instrument for diagnosis, he will never be able to treat his patient. Thus, the cameras will help in checking the quality of the product. Often such costly instruments are swapped with cheap versions. Now, if the camera is installed in the prominent areas, staff or other dishonest people will not be able to conduct such activities. Easy monitoring: the forage of this IP camera can be easily monitored by the security head at any time of the day. The footage is recorded on a computer throughout the day and is stored for analyses in case there is a doubt about someone’s movement. 
 Risks of installing camera in the Healthcare institution 
 Cameras can be only fitted at the public areas and not inside the patient’s cabin or private areas. The discussion or treatment procedure that is carried between a patient and his doctor is private and cannot be recorded. Thus, maintain privacy of the patient and then take care of their safety and security. Thus you can place the camera at the entrance and exit of the clinic. This camera will help in recording the images of all those who are entering the institution. You can also place cameras at corridors and store room from where the equipments are supplied to the doctors for treatment. These necessary steps will help in checking dishonest activities within the hospital premises.

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